Hey Dad - which lever is which? I want the one that makes me go faster than the wind. How may RPM's does this engine have? Do you think that I could pop a wheelie? OK - I think I have this thing figured out. Are you ready for the race of your life? I think I might like to race these 4 wheelers for a living when I get bigger. What do you think Dad?
OK Dad I'm ready - how about you? Everybody better stay out of my way if they know whats good for them. I'm a maniac when it comes to racing 4 wheelers - (if you know what I mean)!!!! You better stay far behind me or you might get hurt!!!
OK Dad - 1----2------3------GO!!! Boy am I leaving you in a cloud of dust. I'm going at least 100 mph - You look like you are riding like a sissy. You will never be a professional rider like that. See you at home.
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